las mailbox v1.10 dm 7025..

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    Senior Member
    • 23-10-2004
    • 7115

    las mailbox v1.10 dm 7025..

    e mail için yapılmıs plug in pop3 destekli..
    evden dreamle emaillerinize ulasın..
    LasMail Mailbox POP3 reader Version 1.10

    This plugin for 7025 decoder read multiple POP3 mailbox.
    After instalaltion restart decoder and start it.
    Define a new Mailbox, if configuration file is not found a message advise you to create a new MailBox in config file.
    To manage account press 'Menu' button.

    At the moment plugin read multiple mailbox and show email content.

    Tanks to Ferbius and 3c5x9 for support.

    Installation is for Gemini and Colosseum image

    News in 1.10
    Removed some bug
    Add delete mail function
    Add POP3 SSL managment (GMail)
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