At Eğitim Aracı

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  • orbay
    Senior Member
    • 11-02-2005
    • 5871

    At Eğitim Aracı

    This 4 tonnes vehicle was created by Roush Technologies and it specializes in racehorse and camel training.
    It might look look just a big can, but this is a piece of high-tech machinery able to monitor racing animals at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. The nameless vehicle has some kind of enclosure in front of it, resembling a horse starting stall, in which animals can walk and gallop while being monitored by veterinarians and racing experts. It has a centered seat for the driver and two more for a racing specialist and a veterinary expert. Onboard technologies include heart, oxygen, breathing and fitness monitoring to make sure they are in top shape for official races.
    Personally I think it’s a stupid, worthless vehicle, but I guess there’s some serious money in races…

    Son düzenleme orbay; 07-07-2008, 18:30.
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