Digital+_spain source kodları

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  • ozkandonmez
    • 30-12-2002
    • 47398

    Digital+_spain source kodları

    C++ programlama dilini bilmediğimden yorumunuda yapamıyorum, bilen arkadaşlar varsa lütfen yorumlasınlar

    #include "idea.h"
    int nagra2_ecm(byte *ecm, byte *dw) {
    byte key[0x10]={
    0xF5,0x36,0x55,0x68,0xF5,0x46,0x63,0x32,0x52,0xEE, 0xD5,0x00,0x88,0x1E,0x5A,0x37
    byte tempBUF[0x40];
    int i,j,k;
    word16 EK[IDEAKEYLEN];

    nagra2RSA (ecm+0xa);
    ecm[0x49] = ((ecm[9] & 0x80) | (ecm[0x49]));
    ideaExpandKey(key, EK);
    for (i=7; i>-1; i- {
    ideaCipher(ecm+0xA+(i*8), ecm+0xA+(i*8), EK);
    if (i>0) for (j=0; j<8; j++) ecm[(i*8)+j+0xA] ^= ecm[(i-1)*8+j+0xA];
    for(i=0; i<0x40; i++) tempBUF[i]=ecm[0x3F+0x0a-i];
    memcpy (ecm+0xa, tempBUF, 0x40);
    k = 0; // cw found
    for (i=0; i<ecm[0x4]; i++) {
    if(ecm[i] == 0x10 && ecm[i+1] == 0x09 && ecm[i+2] == 0) {
    memcpy(dw+8, ecm+i+3, 8);
    i+= 11;
    if(ecm[i] == 0x11 && ecm[i+1] == 0x09 && ecm[i+2] == 0) {
    memcpy(dw, ecm+i+3, 8);
    i+= 11;
    if(k) return true;
    else {
    #ifdef DEBUG
    printf("system-nagra2: failed to get CW\n");
    return false;
    void nagra2RSA (byte *msg) { // RAM:C0108AA5
    byte mod[0x40]={
    0xD9,0x1F,0xB4,0x82,0xF5,0x4C,0x45,0x35,0x62,0x1D, 0x84,0x5F,0x7E,0xC4,0xAB,0x4D,
    0xC9,0x30,0x9D,0xED,0x26,0xB5,0x40,0x30,0x84,0x8E, 0xB6,0x39,0x68,0x97,0x75,0x29,
    0xFE,0x8F,0xF1,0x86,0x13,0x27,0x61,0x71,0xE5,0x7B, 0xDA,0x8A,0x47,0xAC,0x99,0x37,
    0x03,0xCC,0xE2,0xA1,0xCB,0x07,0x19,0x98,0xEC,0xCB, 0x32,0x7E,0xF6,0x3C,0xCE,0xA7
    byte exp[]={0x03};
    NN_DIGIT E[0x22], N[0x22], MSG[0x22], M[0x22*4];
    int nDigits, eDigits;
    NN_DecodeLE(MSG, 0x22, msg, sizeof(mod));
    NN_DecodeLE(E, 0x22, exp, sizeof(exp));
    NN_DecodeLE(N, 0x22, mod, sizeof(mod));
    nDigits = NN_Digits(MSG, 0x22);
    eDigits = NN_Digits(E, 0x22);
    R_memset((POINTER)M, 0, 0x22*4);
    NN_ModExp(M, MSG, E, eDigits, N, nDigits);
    NN_EncodeLE(msg, sizeof(MSG), M, 0x22);
    // idea.c - C source code for IDEA block cipher.
    // Compute the multiplicative inverse of x, modulo 65537, using Euclid's
    // algorithm. It is unrolled twice to avoid swapping the registers each
    // iteration, and some subtracts of t have been changed to adds.
    static uint16 mulInv(uint16 x) {
    uint16 t0, t1, q, y;
    if (x <= 1) return x; // 0 and 1 are self-inverse
    t1 = 0x10001L / x; // Since x >= 2, this fits into 16 bits
    y = 0x10001L % x;
    if (y == 1) return low16(1-t1);
    t0 = 1;
    do {
    q = x / y;
    x = x % y;
    t0 += q * t1;
    if (x == 1) return t0;
    q = y / x;
    y = y % x;
    t1 += q * t0;
    } while (y != 1);
    return low16(1-t1);
    // Expand a 128-bit user key to a working encryption key EK
    static void ideaExpandKey(byte const *userkey, word16 *EK) {
    int i,j;
    for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
    EK[j] = (userkey[0]<<8) + userkey[1];
    userkey += 2;
    for (i=0; j < IDEAKEYLEN; j++) {
    EK[i+7] = EK[i & 7] << 9 | EK[i+1 & 7] >> 7;
    EK += i & 8;
    i &= 7;
    // MUL(x,y) computes x = x*y, modulo 0x10001. Requires two temps,
    // t16 and t32. x is modified, and must me a side-effect-free lvalue.
    // y may be anything, but unlike x, must be strictly 16 bits even if
    // low16() is #defined.
    // All of these are equivalent - see which is faster on your machine
    #define MUL(x,y) ((t16=(y))?(x=low16(x))?t32=(word32)x*t16,x=low16( t32),t16=t32>>16,x=(x-t16)+(x<t16): (x=1-t16): (x=1-x))
    // IDEA encryption/decryption algorithm
    // Note that in and out can be the same buffer
    static void ideaCipher(byte const (inbuf[8]), byte (outbuf[8]), word16 const *key) {
    register uint16 x1, x2, x3, x4, s2, s3;
    word16 *in, *out;
    register uint16 t16; // Temporaries needed by MUL macro
    register word32 t32;
    int r = IDEAROUNDS;
    in = (word16 *)inbuf;
    x1 = *in++; x2 = *in++;
    x3 = *in++; x4 = *in;
    x1 = (x1 >>8) | (x1<<8);
    x2 = (x2 >>8) | (x2<<8);
    x3 = (x3 >>8) | (x3<<8);
    x4 = (x4 >>8) | (x4<<8);
    do {
    x2 += *key++;
    x3 += *key++;
    MUL(x4, *key++);
    s3 = x3;
    x3 ^= x1;
    MUL(x3, *key++);
    s2 = x2;
    x2 ^= x4;
    x2 += x3;
    MUL(x2, *key++);
    x3 += x2;
    x1 ^= x2; x4 ^= x3;
    x2 ^= s3; x3 ^= s2;
    } while (--r);
    MUL(x1, *key++);
    x3 += *key++;
    x2 += *key++;
    MUL(x4, *key);
    out = (word16 *)outbuf;
    *out++ = (x1 >>8) | (x1<<8);
    *out++ = (x3 >>8) | (x3<<8);
    *out++ = (x2 >>8) | (x2<<8);
    *out = (x4 >>8) | (x4<<8);

    ================================================== ======================================

    #ifndef IDEA_H
    #define IDEA_H
    typedef unsigned short word16; /* values are 0-65535 */
    typedef unsigned long word32; /* values are 0-4294967295 */
    typedef word16 uint16;
    #define low16(x) (x)
    #define IDEAROUNDS 8
    ================================================== ======================================
    Son düzenleme ozkandonmez; 28-08-2005, 21:20.
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