ingilizce ödevimi kontrol edebilir misiniz

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  • hazoss
    Junior Member
    • 27-04-2008
    • 1

    ingilizce ödevimi kontrol edebilir misiniz

    gramatik ve mantık hatalarını düzeltirseniz sevinirim

    “Stand by me” is the most important song in my life. It’s my and my boyfriend’s favorite song, in other words ,It’s our song.On new years eve 2008 i spend the evening and night with my boyfriend and his family in their home.Me and my boyfriend ate dinner without his parents in his room,it was very romantic.Before I entered his room,he prepared the dining table and the background music etc. When I entered the room,this song was playing.Then I was surprised again,because he proposed me and gave me a symbolic ring.After the proposing we had our first dance together to this song.It was the most beautiful night in my life.That’s why,whenever I listen to this song I’ll be happy.Even when I feel very blue,this song can put a smile on my face.I believe that this song has a magical power.For example ,whenever I and my boyfriend argue about something ,we hear that this song is playing and then we stop arguing and just hug each other.At the end our whole problem will be solved.That’s why I believe that this song has a magical power.I believe also that there is no secret meaning of this song, in fact it’s really quite simple,no matter what happens,stand by me.

    Nowadays I listen to “Stand by me” every night,because now I and my boyfriend can’t see each other,because he is out of the town for two months.This is a hard time for me,I can get used to wait him only with the help of this song.I really love the song ”Stand by me” ,because it’s my prozac.That’s the reason why I select this song as a first song in my Cd.

    My and My boyfriend’s music tastes are extremely different.That’s why on Valentine’s Day 2008 we decided to prepare a music Cd,which included our 100 love songs.We gave it to each other with our original Valentine’s Day present.I knew that in his CD there were no song that I can choose to listen normally,though I really love this Cd,because he picked the songs,that he listens,when he dreams about me.
    99 of the songs aren’t for my music taste,but one of them I really liked.This song is “Boat on the river” .It is played with acordeon and violin mostly and they are my favorite music instruments,because I like soft songs.That is the same reason that I don’t like the other songs.They are t oo hard for me and they are always played wit electronic guitar.
    After I said to my boyfriend that I loved “Boat on the River” most of all,he was very upset,because he plays electronic guitar and he wants me to love his songs.After this conversation he decided tıo start to play acordeon,and last month he began to take a course.That made me really happy,I think it’s really hard to find somebody,who is self-sacrificing that much.Whenever I listen to this song,I feel myself very lucky.I’m lucky,because I’ve got him.
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