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  • erol68
    Junior Member
    • 04-03-2004
    • 495

    Konu: OPOS TO K3

    opos 1.03-1.04 dosyaları knot karta dönüşüyormuş...dosyalar asagıda ilgilenenlere:


    • ffgul
      • 20-12-2004
      • 64

      Konu: OPOS TO K3

      arkadasım, bende okuttugum kadarıyla beyaz opos 1.05 var ,öyle cıkıyor pc de, dönüştüremezmiyim k3 e...
      Son düzenleme ffgul; 26-11-2006, 13:17.


      • truva34can
        Junior Member
        • 26-10-2004
        • 115

        Konu: OPOS TO K3

        dosyaları ındırdım 105 deneyecem sıl bastan ama bence eksık dosya var gıbı kart sılınıp eep gıbı dosya olması lazım yınede bakalım netıceye yoksa bakamayız hatıceye


        • dispeçer
          • 18-02-2004
          • 6807

          Konu: OPOS TO K3

          arkadaşlar verilen dosyalar opos 103 içindir 105 için değil boş yere uğraşmayın


          • digitunsat
            Junior Member
            • 19-12-2004
            • 45

            Konu: OPOS TO K3

            selam bende tito cart var ama bunda opus 105 yüklü
            k3 olurmu t.ş


            • truva34can
              Junior Member
              • 26-10-2004
              • 115

              Konu: OPOS TO K3

              105 opos oda duser zulada kartlar kalsın sırusu ızlersınız zaten sıfrede sabıt degısmıyor 3 aydır aynı


              • sonsuz
                Junior Member
                • 30-08-2004
                • 130

                Konu: OPOS TO K3

                Originally posted by truva34can View Post
                105 opos oda duser zulada kartlar kalsın sırusu ızlersınız zaten sıfrede sabıt degısmıyor 3 aydır aynı

                Ne 3 ayı yaklaşık 1 senedir aynı


                • truva34can
                  Junior Member
                  • 26-10-2004
                  • 115

                  Konu: OPOS TO K3

                  opos dosyası acısından bazı emularda yanı ok 2007 bakalım ne olacak sıstem degıstırmezlerse ızlenır tps suan ornek oluyor 3 dakkada gesısınce emu bıle yetıstıremezler


                  • 67SEFA
                    • 12-01-2006
                    • 667

                    Konu: OPOS TO K3

                    opos knot denemesi de 3 aydır olabilr deniliyo ama benim ümidim sıfır umarım yanılırım,selam ve sevgiler...


                    • hazeyn
                      • 26-01-2004
                      • 1092

                      Konu: OPOS TO K3

                      siz bu opos lardan daha kesmedinizmi umudunuzu


                      • 67SEFA
                        • 12-01-2006
                        • 667

                        Konu: OPOS TO K3

                        Originally posted by hazeyn View Post
                        siz bu opos lardan daha kesmedinizmi umudunuzu
                        ustam valla tadı damağımızda kaldı ne yalan söyleyeyim stupidprv
                        selam ve sevgiler...


                        • bolder
                          Junior Member
                          • 26-10-2004
                          • 12

                          Konu: OPOS TO K3

                          bence opos artık miyadını doldurdu....


                          • ahmetozgun
                            Junior Member
                            • 18-06-2004
                            • 375

                            Konu: OPOS TO K3

                            çıkmayan candan umut kesilmezmiş...


                            • BilgeKagan
                              Junior Member
                              • 29-10-2006
                              • 6

                              Konu: OPOS TO K3

                              Commercial Pirate 6464c Card Scripts

                              Version 5

                              There is nothing in this package alone that will allow you to get free TV.
                              We do not condone the use of this information for any illegal activity.
                              Information is freely given here for personal private use only.
                              It is not to be sold, nor used in software for any proprietry hardware device.
                              Use at your risk. We will not be responsible for any damaged caused.
                              We will not support any user applications.

                              Q1. What can I do with this package?

                              1. You can decrypt and encrypt applications for Opos 103/4, Titanium 2.01 and Wildcard cards.

                              2. You can convert applications that were written for one of these platforms to be used on the other.

                              3. You can erase the Operating System from
                              Opos 103 (NOT 104),
                              Titanium 2.01
                              M -II
                              Platinum cards with conax application (use the MII scripts)
                              Knotcard BL1.4
                              Titancard 2
                              and restore the cards to virgin status.

                              Then you can load a new OS.
                              Currently Opos 103, Opos 104, Opos 104_erasable, Titanium 2.01, Knotcard 1.4, Knotcard 2.0, MII, Platinum and Titancard 2.
                              We do not advise that you use Opos 104 as that has extra security checks and can NOT be erased.
                              However, you can use the Erasable version (opos104_erasable_OS.bin).

                              4. You can erase applications from Opos 103/4/5, Cerebro and Titanium 2 cards. Use Erase_XXX_App.xvb

                              5. You can read the Transport Codes from Opos 103, Titanium 2 and Platinum & MII cards. Use the appropriate XXX_Get_TC.xvb script. Some cards (Opos/Titanium) take a bit of effort to get back the normal ATR . If you cannot get an ATR, try and use "Erase" or "Identify" on one of the Opos/Titanium loaders. If you do not need to know the TC it is safer not to use this option.

                              6. You can test if the Opos 103 or Titanium 2 cards are genuine. Use XXX_Check_SN.xvb. If they are not, you can erase them and then re-write with a genuine OS bin file.

                              7. You can test that an application you are intending to use on Opos 103/4 or Titanium 2 is not a "card killer". Use TitaniumHack.exe.

                              8. You can erase an application, restore the OS and then write a new application to a K3 card. Use K3_App_loader_v5.xvb.

                              ================================================== ==========================================

                              Q2. What can I NOT do with this package.

                              1. Anything to do with Opos 105, Cerebro, Didem, Daytona or Anaconda cards (other than erase applications from the first two).

                              2. Anything for other old cards from the AT90SC6464c family (such as, Titanium 2.02, TitaniumElite etc). We need samples of old cards for testing.

                              Q3. What do I need.

                              1. TitaniumHack.exe. You can get the latest version from here http://colibri.de.ms/ Latest version is now 1.16.

                              2. A Phoenix interface at 3.579Mhz.

                              3. WinExplorer.exe. This is available on many download sites. It is recommend you use version 5.00 or higher.
                              Most of the scripts in this package will set the correct settings for you if you have a newish version of WinExplorer (>=v4.6).
                              However, as a default use these settings:-


                              Q4. How do I change a Titanium 2 Application to work on an Opos card (or vice versa)?

                              1. Start TitaniumHack.exe and select the cardtype you want to change from.
                              2. In the Decrypt section, load the three files of the application you want to change from - CryptedApp.hex, CryptedApp.EEP, and CryptKey.hex.
                              3. Press "Decrypt".
                              4. Then press "Modify". It should tell you what format the files is for and if you want to change it.
                              5 Select "Yes"
                              6. Then save the Plainflash.hex and PlainEEp.eep files, changing the name to indicate exactly what they are for.
                              7. **** go to the "Encrypt" section and load the Plainflash.hex and PlainEEp.eep files you have just created. You probably will not have a CryptKey for the new format so just let the program make one for you.
                              8. Now save the three files created - CryptedFlash.hex, CryptedEEp.eep and CryptKey.hex. Change the names slightly so you know what they are for.
                              9. Now you have the option of creating a WinExplorer script to load the three new files to you card. However, this is a bit slow so you may prefer to use a dedicated loader program instead.
                              10. If the files you have created, or have selected to load, are a potential "card-killer" - you will be warned.

                              Q5. How do I restore the card to virgin status and re-write my Opos 103 or Titanium 2 card with a genuine OS?

                              1. First erase any application on the card using the appropriate Erase_XXX_App.xvb script.

                              2 Run the appropriate XXX_Virginize.xvb script. Reset once, to read the cards Transport Code. You will need this to write a new OS, if it is anything other than the default :-

                              43 43 35 54 32 44 35 00 ; CC5T2D5.

                              ..... make a note of it.

                              3. Wait about twenty seconds to allow the process to run before reseting again (Analyse ATR).

                              You should now see the Atmel Bootloader Virgin ATR something like this :-

                              ATR: 3B 7F 14 00 00 00 6B 01 0D 03 54 64 13 18 19 28 03 05 90 01
                              The numbers in red are the Atmel Serial Number. The vary from card to card. Make a note of these for your card.

                              4. To make a genuine clone, copy these eight bytes into the last eight bytes of the OS of your choice (Titanium2.bin or Opos103.bin).
                              Replace the "DEAD BEEF DEAD BEEF" using a hex editor (such as UltraEdit or HexWorkshop).

                              5. Now select the Load_OS_to_virgin_6464c.xvb into WinExplorer. Change the Transport Code (if you need too - this is unlikely) and run the script. When it asks for a *OS.bin file select the OS bin file that you want to load. We recommend that you DO NOT use the standard Opos 104_OS. If you want Opos 104 use the Erasable version.
                              6. After a few minutes, when the script finishes, press "Analyse ATR" and you should see the new cards ATR.

                              7. You can test if the card is a "genuine" clone by running the appropriate XXX_Check_SN.xvb. If the Card SN matches the Atmel SN then it is correct.
                              If not, you can do it all again.
                              N.B. Some of the encrypted Serial Numbers produced in the ATR may cause WinExplorer to crash, as it tries to interpret the invalid ATR. You may get a "divide be zero" error. Do not worry, just restart WinExplorer and reset the card to return to normal ATR.

                              Q6. How do I return my Knotcard 1 (with bootloader1.4) or Knotcard 2 (withboot loader 2.0) to virgin status?
                              1. First make sure any OS or application is erased from the card. Use either KCLoader04.exe or KCLoader10.exe to do this.
                              2. Load WinExplorer and run Knotcard_BLXX_virginzer.xvb
                              3. If the card is correct you will then be asked to select the *erase.bin. Follow the instructions given in the script output. You do not get the Transport Code which you will need to load a new OS to the card. You have to hope that it is the same as the default TC.
                              If it is not you can try the alternative "46 4B 38 44 35 42 31 00" ; FK8D5B1

                              Q7. How do I return my Titancard 2 to virgin status?
                              1.First make sure that is has the latest OS2.8 installed and no application. Use "Titancard Tool 1.18" to do this.
                              2. Load WinExplorer and run Titancard2_virginzer.xvb. You get the option of dumping the original OS to make a backup if you wish. Follow the instructions given in the script output.

                              Q8. How do I re-install the Titancard OS?
                              1 After you have run the Load_OS_to_virgin_6464c.xvb and selected the Titancard2_OS.bin, you must then initialize the card.
                              You do this by erasing the OS with Titancard Tool 1.18. Press "Kill OS" and then reload the OS2.8. In other words, the OS must be loaded twice.

                              Q9. How do I install the MII or Platinum OS?
                              1 After you have run the Load_OS_to_virgin_6464c.xvb and selected the MII_OS.bin or Platinum_OS.bin, you must then initialize the card and update the OS.
                              First you will see something like
                              ATR: 3B 16 18 03 11 02 01 02 02
                              which could crash WinExplorer. Then run M-II.exe to load the MII application to the card. You should then see the conax ATR
                              ATR: 3B 24 00 30 42 30 30

                              All the information contained in this package was determined by some great Team-Work, involving
                              (in alphabetical order):-
                              Atlas, Bit5, Colibri, John Doe, Reversi, Satconnect and others. Also thanks to ANonERaser


                              Version 1. 24/02/2006
                              Version 2. Modifed 25/02/2006 to add Erasable version of Opos 104 OS and associated Opos104erasable_Virginize.xvb script
                              Version 3. Modified 28/02/2006 to add MII_EraseOS_method2.xvb. Changed some script names and converted them to latest versions. New TitaniumHack.exe 1.15.
                              Version 4 Modified 7/3/2006 to add support for Knotcard and Titancard2. Optimized some scripts.
                              Version 5. Modified 23/09/2006 to add new *_OS.bin files and updated some scripts. Also added K3 scripts.


                              • 67SEFA
                                • 12-01-2006
                                • 667

                                Konu: OPOS TO K3

                                abi çevirecek biri var mı yoksa benim başım dönecek bu gidişle...


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